Tuesday, January 24, 2012

So i'm in Africa

I have finally arrived in Africa after 2 days of traveling. It is very warm here, humid and sunny. I met my roommate Diane right after i landed and we went to our apartment around noon yesterday. It is a 2 bedroom/ 3 person apartment with a kitchen, lounge, balcony and bathroom. We were so jetlagged that we took naps and unpacked a bit.

once more people arrived our RAs took us to the grocery store to stock up on things. most of the products were the same, and it is quite funny to see a sign that reads "american apples" or find cereal that is the same kind and brand as home but have it be called something else.

overall food is much cheaper here. A bunch of bananas is about 50 cents and my cereal was about $2. A decent bottle of wine is also about $3 (yes we checked!).

We then had a pizza night, met the IES staff and got our cell phones (think of a trackphone type thing). So far it seems like it will be a great semester. We have 2 more days of IES orientation and the we have our first trip, the garden route.

After dinner we hung out with some UCT students who live in our apartment complex and were asking them about the do's and don'ts of Cape Town. They were really fun to hang out with and promised to show us around.


Soon = 3-4 hours from now

#  is called asch (or something that sounds like that)

when a car comes up to you on the street and the door opens and a man starts yelling for you to get in, don't worry, it's a type of taxi service.

Only american girls wear flip flops

you have to pay for plastic bags separately

South African girls dress as if they came off the runway and are very reserved.

Table mountain!!! we can see it from our apartment! 

some cool trees

table mountain again

Barbed wire, it's around every house

a township, these are very common and the houses are little more than some metal pieces put together.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Table Mountain seems so close! I like your "notes" section.
